What Not to Do When Dating a Sugar Daddy

Be careful and cautios with a potential lifetime partner

Sometimes young women assume a great personality, a nice appearance, and an interesting conversation topped with periodic sex is all that they need to do when dating a Sugar Daddy. However, depending on the intelligence, location, personal baggage, reputation, and more that a Sugar Daddy has, the young woman may be expected to do more or less for him.

There are some things that young ladies do that turn off their mature friend due to: immaturity, ignorance, anger issues, exes, children, relative woes, etc. In time, the Sugar Daddy will lose interest and eventually cut off the relationship.

Keep your partnership to your self, don't tell others about the relationship when you have been told not to disclose it.

It is a small world. A Sugar Daddy knows that there is always that probability that someone somewhere might know him, so he would prefer to keep his personal life personal. When the young woman chooses to share things like: her Sugar Daddy's name, place of employment, details of the relationship, and more, she will find herself without him in time.

Avoid lying about who you are.

Once a Sugar Daddy finds out that his young partner is big on story-telling about imagined problems, personal relationships and so on, it won't be long before he is telling a few stories of his own or backing off from the liar. Discerning Sugar Daddies will check up on their friends especially if they desire a future commitment.

Don't hold back on telling the Sugar Daddy about what you really want due to cost, personal feelings, shame, etc.

If the basis of the relationship has been outlined from the start, then there is no reason to cover up or keep to yourself your desires. If it is a new car that you need, mention it. If you are in need of an operation, tell him about it. There is no guarantee that he will be able to pay for everything, but at least express your needs. Keep in mind, if your requests are frequently rejected, then he isn't much of a Sugar Daddy now is he?

Don't act as if you are better than others.

An arrogant woman who is over-the-top about her appearance, skills, intelligence, etc. may turn a Sugar Daddy on in the beginning of the relationship, but in time her prideful personality can be irritating. Be sure you know how to turn down your "I" statements sometimes. Instead, focus on your date and what his needs are periodically.

Avoid bragging about your gifts and income you are receiving.

This is not good to do particularly around those who are not in support of your relationship. It is also isn't the best thing to do when the Sugar Daddy knows how much he has been spending on you, yet feels slighted he isn't getting what he wants from you. Be grateful, but not boastful. You never know when he might cut you off.

Don't assume that looking beautiful and offering sex are the only ways you can keep him providing for you.

As mentioned earlier, some women believe that an outer appearance is good enough, but for any man who seeks a woman, deep inside he hopes for more. He wants a good listener, a companion, someone who genuinely cares and appreciates him, and quite possibly a lifetime partner.

Women, who are concerned about keeping a Sugar Daddy for a time, must understand that like with any relationship, you can't do and say what you want all the time and expect to keep a man. Spend time learning how the man operates, what he likes and what he doesn't, and who knows, your partnership/friendship might grow into something more.